Decisions about Psoriasis

Social Media is growing so fast it’s hard to keep up with all the new sites dedicated to psoriatic disease.  I am involved with at least seven quality sites. Four of those sites discuss holistic meds while the others are open to both.

Many psoriasis patients want the entire package.  They want clear Skin without the possibility of side effects.  This is why many patients turn to the social media platform for answers.

However, many scientists are making progress with medicines that target the inflammation highway that causes the disease.  Over time these medications are becoming more effective and proving to be very safe.

So which avenue or path do we take.  Do we go all natural or we select the medication prescribed by our doctor?

I’m taking a survey and I’m wondering which do you prefer?


Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

Overcoming Psoriasis


I recently launched a new face book page that I think is worth viewing. If you know somebody that has psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis this page will be of some help. my page is full of new treatment options and videos of doctors suggestions. I hope you enjoy my page as much as I enjoy working on it.

I designed it mainly to help patients who are uncertain with the direction of care in which they want to choose. Feel free to communicate your ideas either here or there. I’m open to your suggestions.

Many home remedies I found to work are on sites like these. I feel reading and informing oneself about their illness is the best way to control your condition. We must know this is a chronic condition that there is no cure. I support you and your not in this alone. My mission is to find…

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