Join the Movement

Coffee makes people poop because it stimulates some hormones inside the body. While studies show coffee makes approximately 29% of people have this effect. Regular drinkers of the beverage sometimes experience less of an effect to use the bathroom.

“Coffee contains acids shown to boost levels of the hormone gastrin, which stimulates these involuntary muscle contractions in your stomach to get your bowels moving. And it happens with both regular and decaffeinated coffee.”

These wave like muscles contractions move the fecal matter through your large intestine. The medical term for it is Peristalsis.

“Peristalsis is the automatic wave-like movement of the muscles that line your gastrointestinal tract. Peristalsis moves food through your digestive system, beginning in your throat when you swallow and continuing through your esophagus, stomach and intestines while you digest.”

While most people drink coffee to ramp up their energy, the other benefit is to lighten the load. Other known movement enhancing substances are prunes and Magnesium. Interesting fact coffee is the world’s second most consumed beverage.

So join the movement and grab a cup of “Joe”.

Stay tuned for my next topic, does coffee exacerbate #psoriasis. Join our support group Overcoming Psoriasis

Resources: The Cleveland Clinic

Balance Nutrition and Psoriasis

What does nutrition have to do with psoriasis? Well I guess that question depends on who you ask. While most medical doctors would say diet has nothing to do with psoriasis. Functional medical doctors would disagree. What’s your opinion about the subject? Has nutrition helped your psoriasis?

I’ve run a support group on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tic Toc. The consensus is about 50/50. Most people would like to argue about the subject. I prefer to be open minded. My feelings are if something is controlling your psoriasis then you should run with it. Let’s face it, psoriasis is a frustrating disease. Any treatment that helps is a win.

Having psoriasis for over 32 years has made me humble. I truly appreciate being 99% clear. I know the difference. Over the years I’ve learned so much pertaining to this disease. Many of you who are newly diagnosed are in a much better position than 30 years ago. There are so many advanced treatments available these days. You should still do your due diligence about a particular prescription before you decide to go forward.

Anyway getting back to the subject, Nutrition. Recently I’ve been following a well designed program for a healthy lifestyle. My daughters wedding was a few weeks ago, and I noticed I packed on the pounds over the years. I’ve tried so many times to lose the weight. I wish I would of discovered this long before the wedding. I’m happy to report I’m down 16 pounds. It’s going on three weeks. I’m super excited. I want to share it with the world.

I make one meal a day. They are weighed and carefully chosen to obtain all the macronutrients the body needs. Protein, carbs, and fats are balanced in proportion. For the first month we leave out the starches. Healthy eating is a choice. I decided I’m fed up being heavy and out of shape. This dad body has to go. It’s my why! Plus I would live to reverse my diagnosis of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis.

I attended an event where I had to dress up nice and look presentable. I was helping my friend Tony Crimmins from Australia showcase his products at the KEHE winter show in Chicago. Anyway to make a long story short I arrived there and I was sweating profusely and I noticed my vision wasn’t very good. My right eye lost vision. Tell me that’s not scary. This has been my motivation throughout this program.

I can’t go on feeling like this. I’m feeling self-conscious about my weight and my overall health. I started a simple 5 and 1 program where I prepare only one meal a day until I reach my goal. I believe I will hit my goal in one month. Then I switch to a 3 and 3. Every meal is spaced out 2.5 hour apart. The other meals are call fueling. They are prepackaged bars, oatmeal, cereal, desserts, soups, etc. I bought 150 of them to last the month. The y are loaded with nutrients. And they are about 110 calories each. It’s completely simple to follow.

I’m happy to report I’m down 16 pounds and it’s only been just under three weeks. I have a coach who taught me about the program. Plus I belong to a helpful support group. If you want more information I will gladly share all the details. Feel free to comment below. Or go to my Facebook feed Todd Bello. I’m the founder of Overcoming Psoriasis. There’s a few of us with the same name so you’ll know it’s the right one because of my title.

Also join our support group Overcoming Psoriasis peer to peer support is so important.

Thank you for reading. I truly appreciate your time.

#psoriasis #influencer