Why Market Share for Pharma may produce a Cure

Overcoming Psoriasis

While patients struggle to battle their psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis at home, pharmaceutical companies battle for the best medication in the market place.  What does this mean for the psoriatic?  Well it means better treatments are on the horizon.  It means there is hope for future generations.  It means greater quality of life and less itching and scratching for the psoriasis community. Its a win/win for us patients and the world at large.  Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis cost tax payers 35 billion dollars in lost wages and disabilities.  People with this disease are often paralyzed in society due to the visible lesions on the skin. The publics misconception is that Psoriasis is “contagious” and “its just a skin condition.”  Recently great efforts have been established to change those false beliefs. I read this article that was publicized by FiercePharma.  I’m delighted, as we all should be, that Pharmaceutical companies are…

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World Psoriasis Day Oct. 29th NYC

Free event for those interested:

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis diseases are making headlines around the world.  Our disease state is finally getting the attention it deserves.  On October 29th, 2015 World Psoriasis Day, Leo Pharmaceuticals will be hosting an event in honor of psoriatic patients around the World.  The event will be happening right here in NYC.  Please take the time to register by clicking


Article by Todd Bello
NPF Volunteer
Overcoming Psoriasis
Psoriasis Campaign for a Cure
National Psoriasis Foundation

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Step Therapy can derail your success!

Most of us know psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are serious autoimmune diseases.  Today scientists are working around the clock to discover new treatments for this insidious disease.  Many treatments recently released from the FDA are proving to be safe and effective.  I personally have been on several.  Lucky enough for me I have good insurance.

These new treatments have a huge impact on the quality of life pertaining to the psoriatic patient.  These new treatments can rapidly change the rate of inflammation occurring in the body.  These new treatments are saving lives.

With so much going on in the world today, it seems our disease has been on the back burner for years.  What can we do to change that.  Well for one thing you have to join the engine that’s driving us towards a cure.  The National Psoriasis Foundation is effectively leading us in that direction.  However there are many obstacles in our way.  One of which I want to bring to your attention today.  It’s called Step Therapy.  Dun dant dun dun…

Step Therapy is when your insurance tells your doctor which treatment your allowed.  How wrong does that sound.  For whatever the reason, and I sure it has to do with Benjamins, your well being is at there mercy.  The NPF is fighting this in DC.

Many individuals are affected by this law.  It’s up to us to change it.  New treatments that are proven to be safe and effective are not being prescribed due to Step Therapy.  Or they are prescribed and the claim is denied saying the patient has to try xyz before abc.


So this obstacle has to be eradicated.  This is a decision between the doctor and the patient.   True these new treatments are demanding a high price tag.  That to needs to be addressed.   But the main problem is Step Therapy.

Because I’m involved in a very interactive support group Overcoming Psoriasis and our page Psoriasis Campaign for a Cure I hear about these happenings daily.  How can I stop this from happening, I’m glad you asked.  First join these groups and then join the NPF.  Click on the tabs in the menu to contact your local government official.  You provide your address the software provides you the letter and address.  It’s that simple.  Everything is right there at your finger tips.

Part of your healing is helping others.  Trust me it’s the way the universe is designed.  Just go with it.  I know, I know it doesn’t make sense.  Well either does a leaf growing on a tree, or a bee pollinating a flower to grow into a fruit, or when a moth experiencing metamorphosis.

We need to support one another and lift each others spirits.  I’ve experienced this recently with a friend of mine who said three words to me when I was down, “Your Worth it”.  It took a while to sink in.  But when it comes right down to it, we have to lift ourselves up, brush off our shoulders and face this disease head on.  So I want you to repeat those very words to yourself. Your Worth it, everyday.  Motivate yourself to being a better you!

Story written by Todd Bello

#psoriasis #skin #health #spoonie #npf #skincare #beauty #chronicpain #chronicillness #chroniclife #awesome #psobloggers #Novartis #Cosentyx #psa #clearskin #CyndiLauper #everydayhealth #FF #pain #rash #creekyjoints #psoriasisproblems #cure #kinkyboots #hair #scalppsoriasis #scalp #red #pain #rash

Psoriasis gets Expensive

Educating yourself about our disease is your best defense.  Our disease is very expensive to treat.  Newly diagnosed patients need to do their homework in order to avoid so called “miracle treatments” that just drain your savings.  Even prescription medications can be very expensive if your not covered by insurance.  I highly suggest joining the National Psoriasis Foundation to avoid unnecessary expenses and loss of time.


This picture of my ankle was taken before I was prescribed a biological medication.   These new medications have been in use for just about 20 years.  With each new treatment they seem to be more effective and safer.  However the price tag is staggering.  Here is an article I read about the costs associated with the medications for our disease.

(HealthDay)—Most patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis (MSPP) are prescribed medications, with six-month total direct costs of $11,291 per patient, according to a study published in the October issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

These medications also reduce the comorbidities that are associated with the disease.  Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis if left untreated can cause many more health issues for the patient.  This disease when treated has improved the life quality of many.  Patients are at a much better advantage today then they were just ten years ago.

I’m happy to say after many treatments my disease is controlled and my health seems to be improving.  My disposition on life is much better.  I’m actually participating in life rather then avoiding life.  I have a better outlook and my skin and joints are 100% better.

Support groups like Overcoming Psoriasis have helped me gain perspective about treatment options.  There is also a common bond between its members.  With over 2900 members and growing it’s one of the most ineractive groups I’ve seen.

Article written by Todd Bello

#psoriasis #skin #health #spoonie #npf #skincare #beauty #chronicpain #chronicillness #chroniclife #awesome #psobloggers #Novartis #Cosentyx #psa #clearskin #CyndiLauper #everydayhealth #FF #pain #rash #creekyjoints #psoriasisproblems #cure #kinkyboots #hair #scalppsoriasis #scalp #red #pain #rash #happiness #overcomingpsoriasis #PSORIASISCampaignforaCure #baby #babysmoothskin #woman #men #arthritis #psoriaticarthritis #wegohealth


This is a photo of my leg which is now completely clear from #Cosentyx.  My leg was covered with psoriasis and my joints were horrible.   My nails were pitted and psoriasis was everywhere. 
Now I’m participating in life again and I’m working on securing my future.  Thank you Novartis.  I can do the simple things in life like go food shopping, and go to the beach, or even eat at a restaurant.  I feel healthy once again. Life is Good!  I’m so grateful.  Thank you


                 Overcoming Psoriasis

Thank you Thank you!
Click the link above for our support group

#psoriasis #skin #health #spoonie #npf #skincare #beauty #chronicpain #chronicillness #chroniclife #awesome #psobloggers #Novartis #Cosentyx #psa #clearskin #scalppsoriasis #scalp #WebMD #CyndiLauper #everydayhealth #FF #pain #rash #creekyjoints #psoriasisproblems #cure #kinkyboots #hair #scalppsoriasis #scalp #red #pain #rash #happiness #overcomingpsoriasis #PSORIASISCampaignforaCure #baby #babysmoothskin #woman #men

Tee Shirt club

What a lovely way to be in style and fight for a cure.  If you purchase a shirt money will be Donated to the NPF automatically.  Click on this to participate 》》》 Overcoming Psoriasis 《《《


It’s a win win !

#psoriasis #skin #health #spoonie #npf #skincare #beauty #chronicpain #chronicillness #chroniclife #awesome #psobloggers #psoriasissucks #psoriasisproblems #cure #beauty #creekyjoints #depressed #clearskin #scalppsoriasis #scalp #red #pain #rash #happiness #overcomingpsoriasis #PSORIASISCampaignforaCure #baby #babysmoothskin #woman #men #findacure  #psoriatic #psa #everydayhealth #FF #pain


Who’s LA LA Anthony?  She’s my new best friend.  This young actress has it all.  Now she’s bringing attention to the most prevalent autoimmune disease (with the least amount of funding).  Psoriasis can vary in degrees from mild to severe.  In fact one out every fifty people you know have some degree of the disease.  Thirty percent of those go on to develop psoriatic arthritis.   Some develop psa first.  It’s important to see your doctor for psa because the arthritis can erode your joints and the effects are irreversible.   Psoriasis is misunderstood by the public, it’s not just a skin condition, it’s a serious autoimmune disease that effects the skin organs and joints.  It’s not Contagious in any sense of the word.  Not even blood to blood.
People with psoriasis often feel ashamed and isolate themselves indoors.  Life is a chore and would rather avoid social events.
However many of us with the disease are fighting back.  We won’t let it stand in our way of participating in life.  Like this young actress mentioned here.  Thank you LA LA!

La La Anthony – actress, best selling author, fashion designer and TV personality – has teamed up with NPF to launch the Picture Positivity campaign. She’s telling the world for the first time about her life with psoriasis – and how the disease hasn’t held her back!  Copy and paste link in your browser.


Dr. Morris on Dermatology

These two paragraphs are written by a dermatologist.  It’s an excerpt from Cosmopolitan.  It’s two of 14 things she wish she knew before she became a Dermatologist.  The last paragraph is actually factually incorrect.  I would like to address the subject matter but I find it disturbing and if you need to know, I suggest the reader to Google the facts.

This article can be seen in Cosmopolitan.com and is written by Kate Beckham.

It’s better to be honest with patients if you know you can’t help them. Rather than tell people it’s going to be OK when you know it’s not going to get better, just assure them that you will be there to help them manage the disease along the way. Psoriasis, for example, is so common, and there’s a reason it’s referred to as the “heartbreak of psoriasis”: for most people it doesn’t get better. I think just being there to let them know you’re on their side and that you’re going to do whatever you can to make it better is the best thing you can do.

Just because a skin condition might not be life-threatening doesn’t mean your work can’t change lives. I recently had a young woman with one of the worst cases of psoriasis that I’ve ever seen. She had it since she was maybe 8 or 10 years old, and her entire body is covered, and it really affects everything about her life. She had decided to never have children because she never wanted to have a child that had to go through what she went through. When I met her, she was really bad and we had been through so many drugs and nothing seemed to work for her. I called [other experts] and talked to them about different treatment options for her and finally — finally — we have her on a drug and she’s clear. She came in just about two weeks ago and she is a different person. That is really a good feeling, because it is life-changing for her to be able to wear shorts and to be able to wear short sleeves without having to cover up all year.

Terry P. Morris, M.D., Ph.D is a board-certified dermatologist with her own practice in Virgina.

Psoriasis patient comments

Over the years Hollywood often depict villians with skin irritations.  During biblical times lepers were banished to their own colony.  Psoriasis is a visible disease and society is unaware that it is Not contagious and it’s a serious autoimmune disease.  Often viewed as “just a skin condition.”   Read this comment written by a psoriasis patient in our group Overcoming Psoriasis on Facebook.


Thank you for the add!! It’s very heartwarming knowing that I have a safe haven with you all, I can post pictures & not be ashamed or come here when I’m at my lowest & know that everyone here can empathize with the day to day struggles. I don’t wish anyone to have a disease, but I would cry at night wishing my disease was internal so no one would laugh at me, tease me & make fun of me. Knowing I can come here & have support & encouragement is truly a blessed gift. Thank you all!!

The comment here raises the question are we doing enough to raise awareness.  Are the treatments available effectively treating the disease.  This is the most prevalent autoimmune disease with the least amount of funding.  The National Psoriasis Foundation has done a great job funding research for better treatments.   So much more needs to be done.  Scientists are finally gaining ground and are binding cytokines that cause the inflammation.   Identifying these molecules could lead us to a cure or maybe a vaccine.   We are in exciting times.  I’m looking forward to the day I’m able to report a cure has been found.

Touring the Dead Sea for healing

Floating in the Dead Sea

Wondering how many of you would be interested in Traveling to the Dead Sea at a third of the price.  I along with Rabbi Andre of NY have met with the Israeli minister of tourism.  We also met with El AL airlines.  The purpose is two-fold, both for healing and tourism.  We are having a pilot program this fall.  We need interested patrons to lock in the price.  The first fifty will be selected to enjoy the historic lands of Israel while staying at the Dead Sea.  My contact information is tvsoccerdad@yahoo.com.
The tour is opened to psoriasis patients and their families along with religious groups.  The travel will be slated for 28 days.  It will include meals, airfare, lodging.  Great opportunity for anyone interested in seeing Israel at a fraction of the price.