Show Your Psoriasis 

World Psoriasis Day 

This Sunday is World Psoriasis Day.  How cool is it that the entire world will be celebrating our cause Oct. 29th?  

Most of you know me from my support group Overcoming Psoriasis.  My name is Todd Bello and raising awareness about psoriasis has become my passion. 

I was first diagnosed with psoriasis at the age of 28 and it all started with a small scalp lesion. Red, raised, and itchy this spot wasn’t going away no matter what I tried. That’s when I got the diagnosis.  My dermatologist told me; “It’s Psoriasis”.  

I never even heard of this disease.  I couldn’t even spell the word.  All I knew is, I had to beat it.  I researched it high and low, spent countless hours chasing my tail. At the time it wasn’t classified as autoimmune disease. There wasn’t to much information or treatments available.  You see when I was first diagnosed smart phones didn’t exist and Facebook wasn’t even a thought.   

Thankfully things are different today.  Because of technology I’m able to order my medications with one touch of a button.  I can stay up to date on the latest medical breakthroughs.  And I can share my story and photos on Social Media.  

There are so many misconceptions about our disease.  Because it’s a visible disease people think it’s contagious and often feel stigmatized.  Social media is helping us get the word out that it’s NOT contagious and it’s “More than skin deep”.  

Which leads me to #ShowYourPsoriasis.

#ShowYourPsoriasis is a social initiative to encourage people like me and you to embrace their disease and share with the world via social media as well as using Imagine app.  #ShowYourPsoriasis would like to encourage people to feel comfortable when taking pictures of their skin.

The Imagine team is running this campaign as part of #WorldPsoriasisDay. Imagine app helps track your psoriasis and take more control of your autoimmune disease. Take a selfie for science and #ShowYourPsoriasis today.

How to take part? Just share a photo via social media and include the hashtag #ShowYourPsoriasis!

Have a sense of community on World Psoriasis Day and Show Your Psoriasis!  Have a wonderful day.

#psoriasis #psa #psoriaticarthritis #overcomingpsoriasis #worldpsoriasisday #NationalPsoriasisFoundation