Watch “Psoriatic Arthritis Awareness Day” on YouTube

Happy Psoriatic Arthritis Awareness Day. September 28th is now declared an awareness day dedicated to PSA.  Celgene along with the National Psoriasis Foundation have partnered to raise awareness about this often misdiagnosed disease that can cause serious consequences if left untreated.  Early diagnosis is key to preventing irreversible damage to the joints.
If you are experiencing fatigue, swelling, stiffness, nail pitting, pain in the lower back, neck or ankles, trouble with flexibility or movement, see your doctor!  Listen to Dr. Feldman and Christina in the audio interview to gain insight and educate yourself about this debilitating disease.  Thank you for your support and “share” if you care. 

(click here for the audio interview )

#patientfirst #psoriasis #psoriaticarthritis #NPF #chroniclife #spoonie #creekyjoints #Celgene #arthritis #RA #AF #ArthritisFoundation