Sugar is 10x more addictive than Cocaine.

We live in a society where large food conglomerates want you to buy more of their products. So how do they get us to purchase more of their goods? You guessed it, they add sugar. No wonder type 2 diabetes is almost a global pandemic. Autoimmune diseases are at an all time high. And if your predisposed genetically most likely you will manifest the disease programmed in your DNA.

Many of us know the culprit, yet we continue down the path of ill repute. How do we beat the viscous cycle that puts our bodies in disease state? It’s not a simple task. Most people will succumb to there addictive behaviors with little chance of becoming well. They will eventually die an early death due to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, stroke, and severe depression. Accepting what is happening to them as this is part of the aging process.

What if I told you you can turn this process all around? I know it’s way to hard and besides I love food. If that’s your answer than expect a shorter life with many pitfalls in the future. Perhaps you’re living them now. If your answer is; “I agree”, then there’s hope. Honestly I’ve been trying for years to beat my psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis for years. I also have been trying to lose the fat I’ve added on over the years. Both have been a huge problem until recently.

I stumbled across a program that has helped me tremendously. I started it just about a month ago and I’m extremely excited to share it with you. Now I have no skin in the game so there’s no advantage for me to share. You see I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I had no energy and was having difficulty getting motivated to do anything. Plus my clothes were getting tighter by the day. No a healthy scenario for anyone. If this sounds like you you’re gonna want to pay attention.

I’m always on Facebook and I was seeing this young lady posting about her successful wellness program. I reached out to her and I simply said; “ I need help”. She said; “ I can help.” Kim and I got on the phone with her and we listened and signed up that day. Today we are down over 34 pounds between us and we don’t crave sugar at all. Now you might be thinking come on, this can’t be true. In one month? I’m telling you it’s true and we can reach our goal in another month.

More importantly the program teaches you the value of food. And you can read testimony after testimony about other people who achieved similar results. I kid you not. People will be shocked when they see your results. The plan is simple to follow and requires you to cook one meal. The meal will take you thirty minutes to prepare.

If you would like to get healthy with us, I will personally help you obtain success. It’s all by design. It’s gonna cost you about 15.00 per day. But you will gain the knowledge to overcome the many problems we all have in life due to the “American Diet”. So I’m asking, “are you ready to change your future”? Like my coach told me; “I know you can drop 30 pounds”. Her confidence is now my confidence in the program. You just have to get onboard and make the decision. Invest in you, because you is all we have!

My contact is 631-487-5857

Text me “I’m ready“ and I’ll send you all the information after you decide to make the purchase. I’ll order you what you need the first month. Then it’s up to you to continue. By then you will have the knowledge to gain your health back. You’re worth it, You owe it to yourself.

Coffee, Yay or Nay for Psoriasis?

Coffee is the most consumed beverage around the world. But is it good to drink coffee when you’re diagnosed with psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis? To answer that question I searched the internet. What I found interesting from this article is that they suggest coffee can actually improve psoriasis. Being that it’s a stimulant because it contains caffeine, I thought it should be avoided. It turns out coffee actually has anti-inflammatory properties. However you might want to curtail how many cups you consume a day. Don’t take my word for it, please read it for yourself.

24th May 2023

Coffee is one of the most consumed liquids, regardless of geographical region. According to the evidence, only water and tea are more frequently consumed. Importantly, coffee is a pharmacologically active fluid.

There are many biologically active substances in its composition, the most studied of which is caffeine.  Among other properties, it has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which may suggest that it could be of benefit in psoriasis. However, the evidence is somewhat contradictory. Some studies have shown that increasing coffee consumption is associated with a worsening of psoriasis, whilst others have shown that coffee may increase the efficacy of some drugs (methotrexate and sulfasalasine) used in the treatment of psoriasis1.

A recent study showed that the effect of coffee on psoriasis is dose-dependent. Regular moderate consumption (up to 3 cups per day) alleviates symptoms and has an anti-inflammatory effect, whereas higher coffee consumption (more than 4 cups of coffee per day) makes symptoms worse2


The observation that moderate coffee intake improves psoriasis symptoms, whilst higher levels of consumption make symptoms worse, is difficult to explain.  However, if these finding were replicated in other studies, this could be of considerable importance from a public health perspective.  In the meantime, it seems safe to say that moderate coffee consumption is not likely to be of any harm to people with psoriasis. 


  1. Garbicz J, Calyniuk et al. Nutritional Therapy in Persons Suffering from Psoriasis. Nutrients, 2022;14: 119
  2. Barrea L, Muscogiuri et al. Coffee consumption, metabolic syndrome and clinical severity of psoriasis: good or bad stuff? Arch Toxicol 2018; 92:1831-1845

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