Watch “Cosentyx DIY Injection Day #PSAactionWeek” on YouTube

Here is a short video I did showing how I inject myself using Cosentyx. Cosentyx is a live biologic that is prescribed for both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. The medication has been out for a short period of time but has made a significant impact in the psoriasis community.

Although the video isn’t technique perfect I encourage viewers to read the instructions provided by Novartis.

Also, each medication prescribe for our disease has different techniques of delivery. There are also many medical devices that work differently. It’s important that you receive specific training for the device you are using. Most pharmaceutical companies provide some sort of training. Ask your doctor to better guide you.

Thank you for viewing. Please subscribe to my youtube channel.

4 thoughts on “Watch “Cosentyx DIY Injection Day #PSAactionWeek” on YouTube

  1. Bonnie Reese

    I glad to have found your blog. I also have psoriatic Arthritis and have been searching for the best alternative to controlling this disease. Most of the option frankly scared me into constantly seeking only organic holistic option. I am convinced my onset was stress induced, now 7 years later after research and trying every thing I could think of ( much like you did) I’ve been searching for someone who had something positive to say ( other than a doctor) about one of the biological meds. Are you having a negative side effects from Cosentex?

    If so please share, I need to bite the bullet to hopefully have some quality of life.
    I work very hard at positive attitude, diet, focus on keeping a smile on my face, but the pain in joints, ugly skin, depression and fatigue are starting to win over the good days. I have not met 1 person taking these types of drugs, so the unknown keeps me on the fence.

    I look forward to hearing from you
    Bonnie Reese Houston Tx

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